two true – lessons learned so far…

“How are you coping with two?” says everyone, and I reply with something suitably upbeat. In fairness, the going is pretty good, probably because I’m getting shut-eye (THANK YOU, Big G, for answering my prayers for a sweet little sleeper of a babe). But there’s still plenty of crazy, so here’s the real crack from my 2 months with 2….

Creative License
For instance, Gina Ford suggests putting your baby down in the same place for their daytime naps, such as a quiet corner of the nursery or your bedroom.

OR, in front of the dishwasher, no? Gotta love that white noise, and not having to go UP and DOWN and back UP those stairs AGAIN. And a dishwasher, by-the-by, is also a mama-must-have.

Bedtime Bar Chart
If you’re not getting much sleep, totting up the total won’t make you feel ANY better. Just grimace through the yawns – the kids will think it’s a smile and beam back to cheer you up.

Sure-fire Shower
If you have an early start to toddler activities, showering the night before is probably the best, perhaps only, way to make it there in one piece. Failing this, dry shampoo and a baby wipe will win you through to lunch time naps (loving the Lee Stafford stuff).

Expand the reach of your baby wipes – cleanse your face and clean your furniture too.

Fake Bake
Oh these little organic munch-me muffins? I totally whipped them up this morning. (From Asda/Co-op/Tesco … deceptively delete as appropriate). If you gotta cook, bookmark this blog from Gourmet Mum –  real food for real families, packed with quick, tasty, healthy budget busting recipes and videos from Master-cooking-Mama Filipa, whose a total honey.

Suspicious Sixth Sense
Gone quiet? Toddler probably lodged himself in toilet. Going well? Your knickers are probably tucked into your dress.

It’s a Wrap
OOooo Sakura Bloom sigh. Will post on the ring sling styleathon another day, but suffice to say it inspired me to get a (cheaper) one and it is so useful. Tuck the teeny in and tend to the toddler/tea/tidying at the same time. I’ve also got a moby jersey wrap which ain’t bad either.

Harmless Habit
Develop a cheap, cheerful, calorie-free and speedy treat to help you unwind in a hurry and feel like you’ve had a little bit of me-time. Like chewing on a stick of celery. Ha!! Mine is ten minutes catching up on mummy blogs or another page of a magazine.

Pick Priorities
Let the taxman chase you. A cup of tea is way more important.

Break Even
Feel like your toddlers getting the better of you? Sneak some spinach into his sweet potato. Moo hahaa….

Got any more survival tips? Let me know! xx

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