sorry biscuits

The dishwasher is no more. Not cool to have to go old school with the fairy and all that faff, but hey, these things happen and I doubt we’ll get it fixed so I better get used to it. As a result I’ve been inspired to find desserts that double as activities, keeping the kids … Continue reading

baby boob beanies

You can’t make this stuff up. So wrong but so funny… buy the pattern here on etsy

vegetarian boobs

There’s no shortage of words, webbed and written, to help women breast feed. But there is pretty much nothing about helping us STOP. Boo that. Everyone has to stop. Sometime. Most sooner than others (a few people on forums still feeding four-year-olds in tandem with their toddlers. Scary). So here’s what I’ve learned the (rock) … Continue reading

strange advice about spuds and sunshine

Whats the strangest thing another mama has suggested to you? Here’s some curious climate advice I’ve been given in the past year… WINTER I commented on the cold as we piled into a primary school for some sorta singing group. Eco-Mama suggested keeping the kids warm by baking up old potatoes and bunging them in … Continue reading

Thank You part 2…

Here’s the finished result – I did 4 versions and printed onto postcards. Whatcha think? X

new year & new things

Here’s a few things I’d like to be/do/try this year… 1. Be a Believer 2. Do a Fringe 3. Try making These! They’re sweet! White Chocolate, M&M’s and pretzel sticks. So cute! Great party piece right?! What’s on your list? Send me ideas! XX

a whole heap of thanks

As the presents piled up in front of 5 excited little people, my super organised sister-in-law reached for pen and paper, ready to note down who gave what to who(m). Clever. I’ve now just about joined all the gifts to the givers, and am ready to embark on thanking people – just had to choose … Continue reading

Suits You Siri

I had high hopes that the iPhone 4S would be the extra pair of hands I needed, thanks to it’s frank, funny and super-smart personal assistant. But I don’t need to know my share options, and I already know what the weather is – cold. I live in Newcastle. But can Siri cope with being … Continue reading

shake rattle roll and rescue your iPhone

Kids are careless without meaning to be, and sometimes so are people who have kids. Last year I was helping set up for a gig and with my arms full of glow sticks and gear, and the boy balanced on my hip, my iPhone just sort of… slipped. And smashed. And then sat on a … Continue reading


Have you ever asked your parents what your nearly-name was? My sister Alicia was very nearly a Stephanie. If I’d been blue not pink, I would’ve been a David. Quick canvas of the room throws up a Rustam, Asher and a Gregory. We nearly had an Esme and a Hugo had the kids been the … Continue reading

i covet – stylish covers for iStuff

I spoke to Orange last week, and they’d already taken over 50,000 pre-orders for the iphone 4S. I’m due an upgrade and am considering the advantages of the voice activated assistant. Can’t decide if ‘getting Siri to sort it’ sounds swish, or slavish. However, a hand-free approach could be super for the multi-tasking mama who … Continue reading

best of the rest

There’s an overwhelming world of hipster mama bloggers out there. I could read all day and but brush the surface of all that kiddy caring cool. So to save you some time, or pique your interest with other posts, I’ve put together links to the best of the rest from the week… Winter Pregnancy Styling … Continue reading

picture perfect pregnancy

Admission time – both my sisters-in-law are pregnant and it’s making me nostalgic already! I loved being pregnant. believe it or not I felt quite gorgeous doing all that growing. OK, so I’m sticking with swimsuits this holiday, but I’m not getting hung up on the remaining roundness because being ‘with-baby’ was basically brilliant. These … Continue reading

it’s a string thing

Oh aren’t these adorable? Such a sweet, cool bracelet made from just a can and a ball of string. This fantastic photo tutorial shows you how to wrap and knot it together in a few simple steps. What a perfect way to pass the afternoon on a sunny French island, and a great gift too. … Continue reading

babies don’t keep

Oh, they grow so fast. The babe is blossoming, and I’m trying to make every moment into a memory. I love these images- wish I’d got my act together from month 1 but better late than never! Have got an adorable mini Poang armchair from Ikea I must start snapping her in, and will post … Continue reading

confessions, digressions and donkeys

OK so someone once told me that having kids is basically a relentless decent into monotony, with occasional elements of incomparable elation. Or something like that. That’s totally extreme but I guess I get the sentiment – lots, lots, LOTS of the same, and just when you’re just going stir-crazy, your toddler picks you a … Continue reading


Still raining folks. So heavy in fact, that the boy got wet through the airholes in his buggy raincover. Boo to that. But hurray for the kettle. Love this little tea inspired cartoon – hope it brings you some sunshine on a most grey day xx

Monday Must Have: Maya Sling Ring

What to do? Its rained and rained and rained and poured. And my umbrella was broken. So the boy turned it into a ‘rainedabout.’ Genius. Clever-clog blog shout-out also goes to my olive green Maya Wrap Ring Sling – which boy calls the kangaroo pouch. It’s so useful though and am using it heaps – … Continue reading

two true – lessons learned so far…

“How are you coping with two?” says everyone, and I reply with something suitably upbeat. In fairness, the going is pretty good, probably because I’m getting shut-eye (THANK YOU, Big G, for answering my prayers for a sweet little sleeper of a babe). But there’s still plenty of crazy, so here’s the real crack from … Continue reading

some wednesday wisdom

Oh so true. A quick reckoning racks up a myriad of mundane tasks that man and myself delegate to one another – and that’s just before we even get out of bed in the morning. What’s really weird is that we have the same conversation every morning, even though the tasks don’t change. Toddler & teeny always need milk, … Continue reading